Daily Prayer:
Holy Mother, Our Lady of the Rule, please have mercy on me. Take from me all troubles and afflictions. Take away all my pain and suffering and throw it into the depths of the oceans. Transform my burdens into treasures. Reverse my condition so that I can share my testimony of your miracles with the world. Amen.
A Novena consists of 9 consecutive days of prayer to a specific Saint. A Novena consists of a prayer, a petition, and a promise.
The Prayer is the specific set of words used to channel the Saint you’d like to work with–this is how you ask for their aid. You can download the Novena to Our Lady of the Rule here.
The Petition is your request to that Saint. Be specific with what you are asking for, but be flexible on the form (and timing) in which your request manifests for you. Our Lady of the Rule can help you with health challenges, with fertility issues, with marriage or romantic disputes. You can also pray to her for protection and any kind of support with your home or family. She is also wonderful to call upon if you are experiencing financial hardships.
The Promise is the work you will put in for that Saint, to “pay” for their services. Now if this is new to you, hear me out. None of us like to work for free. Energy is an exchange, and if there’s no exchange then there’s an imbalance. So a promise in the case of a Novena, is your way of exchanging energy with the Saint you are working with. This gives them the fuel/energy to manifest the answers to your prayers. If you don’t understand energy then let me put it to you this way: it takes a lot of energy for spirits to interact with/contact this world. By providing a “gift” to the Saints, it helps them use it on your behalf, for your prayer–in essence, it helps them continue their service to the world.
As a Promise to Our Lady of the Rule you can light a blue or white candle in your home or Catholic church. You can pay it forward with charitable acts in her name, or make a donation to a worthy cause in her name.